THE number of people suffering cancer could double in the next 40 years unless steps are taken to stem the rising tide of obesity, an expert has warned.

Professor Martin Wiseman, medical and scientific adviser at the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), said today’s children faced a future blighted by the disease unless something is done to curb obesity rates.

Earlier this year a study into childhood obesity revealed almost one in four youngsters in East Lancashire was overweight.

And figures suggest that 35 per cent of adults are overweight and a quarter obese.

These rates are among the highest in the country.

Speaking ahead of a conference organised by the charity and the Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO), Prof Wiseman said there could be a dramatic rise in the number of people suffering cancer.

Figures suggest that a third of women and half of men will be obese in the next 40 years, he said.