TRANSPORT chiefs have revealed that roadside checks in the North West showed a shocking number of people still do not wear seatbelts in cars.

An advertising campaign has now been launched to highlight the potentially deadly consequences of failing to belt up.

Ministers claim the statistics show that one life could be saved every day if all drivers and passengers wore a seatbelt.

Transport Minister Jim Fitzpatrick said: “Every day someone dies simply because they are not wearing a seatbelt.

“That’s a tragic waste that could be avoided if everyone took the simple step of belting up whenever they got in a car.

“If you have a crash without wearing a seat belt you actually experience three crashes, even at everyday speeds like 30mph.

“First, your car crashes and stops. Second, because there’s nothing to stop you moving, your body carries on and hits the inside of the car. Third, you stop but your internal organs keep moving, hitting the inside of your body and tearing under the force of the impact.

“I hope this hard-hitting new campaign will help everyone in the North West to realise they are risking their life whenever they get in a car and don’t put their seat belt.”