THE North West is on the cusp of a measles epidemic, according to the Health Protection Agency.

Eight cases have been reported in Liverpool with two unrelated adults aged 23 and 34 confirmed as suffering from the infectious viral illness.

Medical experts said this was the fourth outbreak in several months with Cheshire currently treating 22 people, Lancashire recently reporting more than 100 cases and a smaller outbreak in Greater Manchester.

Dr Rosemary McCann, the Health Protection Agency’s immunisation lead for the North West of England said: “We are on the cusp of a measles epidemic and we and our primary care trust partners must do all we can to head it off by working with GP practices, schools and parents to encourage MMR uptake.”

”Anyone up to the age of 18 is entitled to MMR immunisation on the NHS. Young people who are unsure of their immunisation status, with concerns, or just seeking further information about the MMR campaign should consult their family doctor.”