A BUS operator has warned people to make sure they are not caught out by fake £1 coins after reporting an increase in the numbers handed over in fares.

Transdev, which operates Burnley and Pendle and Lancashire United services, has urged customers to check £1 coins carefully, as drivers cannot accept forgeries.

The number of forged £1 coins in circulation has doubled in the past five years to one in every 50, according to a report by the Royal Mint.

Operations director John Threlfall said: “We have already noticed that there has been an increase in the number of fake £1 coins being handed over in fares “Our drivers are briefed on how to spot those that aren’t the real thing. We don’t want to cause embarrassment by having to refuse to accept forged coins, so we urge all customers to check their money.”

He said that even though most people will unknowingly use the forgeries, it was an offence to make or use counterfeit coins.

One way of checking a coin in genuine is to hold the coin so the Queen’s head is upright and facing you. The pattern on the reverse side should also be upright.