A LOVING couple took to the floor for their first dance as man and wife – dressed as a bandit and the Bride of Dracula.

Nurses Rob Morris and Haley McGaghey of Oakwood Road, Baxenden, planned a Hallowe’en extravangza for their big day, which included the Exorcist tune as wedding music for the ceremony at Accrington Register Office.

Guests to the daytime ceremony were welcomed with the sound of Michael Jackson’s Thriller and they later congratulated the happy couple as (Don’t Fear) the Reaper played in the background.

The couple, who met three years ago at Calderstones NHS Trust, said they wanted to add even more drama to their big day – in spite of the fact that Hayley is due to give birth to their fourth child at any time.

The newlyweds cele-brated with their twins Anika and Evie who are nearly two, as Rob became stepfather to Isabelle, six.

Their next child, which will also be a girl, was due to be born on October 24.

The Friday wedding was concluded in true Hallowe’en style with a huge fancy dress party at Baxenden Conserv-ative Club, which had been organised for them by friends.

Rob and Haley, who had changed out of their wedding clothes into specially chosen Hallowe’en costumes, danced their first dance together as a zombie bandit and Dracula bride, as their friends celebrated all around, dressed as wizards, witches, vampires and ghouls.

Rob said: “We just wanted to do something a little bit different.

“Weddings can be so serious and boring that we were dead set on having some fun.

“Hayley keeps telling people that we got married on Hallowe’en because it’s a shotgun wedding!

“But I’ve made an honest woman out of her now and we’ve had the most wonderful day as well.”