A ‘SUPER-FIT’ dad of two has taken part in the ‘Ironman Triathlon’ to raise money for charity.

Paul Hesketh, 43, from Colne, travelled to Port Elizabeth in South Africa for the event which attracted more than 1,400 competitors.

The electrician endured a 2.4 mile swim in the sea, a 118-mile bike ride and a marathon run. He finished in 200th place and completed the race in 10hr 50 min.

A total of £1,000 was raised for Colne and Nelson Rugby Club, who he plays for, and Blackburn Community Sports Club.

The Ironman Triathlon is an annual event notorious for its gruelling conditions.

Paul’s wife Samantha, 34, who has relatives in South Africa, travelled there to show her support. And Paul’s children Charlie, seven, and Molly, five, were also there to cheer him along. Paul said his nephew Samuel Malloy, 11, who has cerebal palsy, enjoys playing football at Blackburn Community Sports Club.

He said: “They are absolutely brilliant there. It is fantastic how the team help children play no matter what their disabilies are.”

“And my children play at Colne and Nelson Rugby Club.”

Paul added: “If an oppor-tunity came up again for a triathlon, I would certainly consider it.

“Training was hard work and I obviously had to be physically fit for it, but I was prepared and am pleased with the outcome.”

Nigel Dixon, chairman at the Community Sports Club, said: “It was refreshing to have somebody like Paul donate money to the club.

“He deserves a lot of credit for the amount of effort he put into the Ironman Triathlon and the money will go towards new changing blocks for the children.”