UP TO 25 jobs could be created after a communications firm was named as one of the industry’s leading companies.

Nelson-based Daisy Communications was placed number 18 in Deloitte’s Fast 50 – a ranking of the fastest growing technology com-panies in the UK.

Company chiefs said they intend to use the ranking as a platform for further recruitment in order to increase employee numbers from 175 to over 200.

Commercial director Tony Dixon said: “Unlike some of the stories we are hearing at the moment, Daisy is bucking the economic trend.

“We are a company not looking to make cutbacks, quite the opposite, we are actively looking to recruit to our dynamic and exciting team.

“Our expansion plans have never slowed down or been on hold, and the company looks set to continue growing to the same levels we have seen since daisy was established seven years ago. Our placement in the Deloitte Fast 50 table does nothing but support this.

“We have set out our stall to outgrow our existing building by the end of the year and we are currently looking at additional premises in the area – and that means recruiting people from the local area to help us.”

Appearing in the Fast 50 chart for a second successive year, Daisy has been recognised for a growth of 1,202 per cent, an achievement credited to a financially strong 12 months that has seen the company win £5m in interest-free funding through the Bank of Scotland Entrepreneur Challenge.