A DARWEN couple argued after an evening at a church dance.

Hyndburn magistrates heard that Alan Morgan, 60, told Audrey Scott that he wanted to move back “down South” and couldn’t understand why anyone would want to live in Darwen.

He said the damp weather was killing him and described the people of Darwen as racists.

When Mrs Scott shouted back at him Morgan jumped on her and assaulted her leaving her with bruising and swelling.

Morgan, of Dorset Avenue, Darwen, pleaded guilty to two charges of assault and was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Claire Grant, prosecuting, said the second assault happened the following day when Mrs Scott refused to give Morgan a life back to his own home.

David Clish, defending, said Morgan had no explanation other than that he had been drinking wine.

“He has now made the conscious decision never to drink alcohol again,” said Mr Clish.