A DAD of three who brought terror to a Nelson street after "charging" outside with a loaded air gun and a Samurai sword is behind bars for 44 weeks.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Daniel McLaughlin, 32, had been angry after a youth on a mini moto had been riding on the pavement and was said to have almost hit his children.

He had rung police but instead of waiting for them to arrive had gone outside to confront a gang of youths, who then ran off.

Jobless McLaughlin went back into his home, got the rifle, ammunition and the sword from his bedroom and went back out onto Carlton Street, in search of the youths. He was said to have wanted to scare the gang and claimed he had the weapons for protection. But, the Armed Response Unit ended up being called out after worried residents alerted police and one feared for his life.

Judge Heather Lloyd said she accepted the defendant had felt aggrieved at the risk he felt his children were under, but his behaviour had been dangerous and risky and the gun could have been lethal.

She said: "Every weapon that is carried in the street represents a public danger and it has to be deterred."

The defendant, of Talbot Street, Colne, admitted possessing a loaded air weapon in public and possessing an offensive weapon on September 10.

Richard Hunt, prosecuting, told the court worried residents rang police about 6.50pm. The defendant had also called officers but went out to confront the youths.

He was arrested, made full admisions, said he had had four cans of lager, but wasn't drunk. The defendant told officers he had been very angry after confronting the gang. He had been told to go away before he got hurt and that was why he had armed himself with the weapons.

Hugh Barton, defending, said: “This was disturbing behaviour, but it occurred within a context where there was genuine provocation."