MOUNTAIN rescue teams have hailed a relatively quiet night on Pendle Hill after restrictions were introduced on revellers.

Fed-up with drinkers attempting to scale the landmark summit every Hallowe’en, council bosses banned all attractions from the hillside and introduced a one-way system along the A59.

Pendle and Rossendale Mountain Rescue unit said that, apart from one rescue around 7pm on Saturday, the hill was noticeably quieter.

The team was assembling in Barley Village Hall when police received an emergency call about one adult and six teenagers who were stuck on the hill.

Mountain rescue spokesman Andy Simpson said phone contact was established with the group, who were stranded near Higher Buttock Farm.

The group’s leader was able to describe the surroundings and a search party eventually located the walkers and guided them back to the village.

“They had become disorientated after walking up the hill and were beginning to feel the cold,” said Mr Simpson, who said the party was properly equipped for the climb.

Many walkers had attempted the climb earlier in the day, with around 100 people estimated to have reached the summit by teatime. But the absence of burger vans and rides and a no-waiting corridor on Clitheroe Road seemed to discourage many.

Mr Simpson added: “It was not so long ago since we have had to carry people off the hill because they have not been capable of standing.

“There was a clear intention this year to try and discourage this and it appears to have worked.”

He said walkers were mostly well-equipped – and those who had turned up in jeans and T-shirts were quickly discouraged from venturing out further by the icy weather.