CAMPAIGNERS seeking a pardon for all people executed as witches have presented a Hallowe’en petition to Blackburn MP Jack Straw.

The petiton was given to the Justice Secretary today, along with evidence of eight grave "miscarriages of justice" is aimed at persuading Mr Straw to take action.

If succesful, the bid will posthumously clear the names of more than 400 people who were put to death in England for alleged witchcraft, and more than 2,000 executed in Scotland, before the 1735 Witchcraft Act put an end to the trials.

It would also clear the names of those executed folllowing the infamous Pendle witch trials of 1612 which accused twelve from Pendle Hill of the murders of ten people using witchcraft.

All but two were tried at Lancaster Assizes, along with the Samlesbury witches and others, in what became known as the Lancashire witch trials.

Ten of those accused were found guilty and executed by hanging. One was found not guilty.