DESIGNS for an ultra-modern war memorial in the centre of a Pendle town have been revealed.

The proposed structure, in Memorial Square, is part of the Nelson town centre masterplan, commissioned by Pendle Council in 2006.

Nelson Area Committee has given £10,000 towards the design and installation of the new war memorial.

And councillors are hoping a member of the Royal Family will visit the town to lead the official unveiling ceremony.

The designs have been approved by the Royal British Legion, although some minor changes will be made before work begins installing it.

Illustrations of the proposed memorial show a Z-shaped structure, but a report to Nelson Area Committee says it will revert to an L-shape.

The preferred material will be sandstone as opposed to the dark marble shown in one of the images.

Coun George Adam, chairman of the Nelson Area Committee and also chair of the Royal British Legion’s Nelson branch, said: “We are very happy with the designs.

“We were looking at having a more traditional design but after consulting with a team of historians we are quite happy with the modern look and I think it will be quite unique.”

Work on the memorial is expected to begin in January.

It follows the first stage of the regeneration scheme, which involved the redevelopment of Number One Market Street.

Coun Nadeem Ahmed, who also sits on the committee, added: “It’s very important for the regeneration of Nelson. We gave a commitment to put a war memorial there and we have to deliver that.

“It’s for people who sacrificed their lives for their country and they deserve it because they are heroes.”

The proposal will be considered at the Nelson Area Committee meeting on Monday.