TAKEAWAY owners in Burnley and Padiham are being warned not to outstay their welcome after one eaterie was fined for opening too late.

Licensing laws dicate that anyone wanting to sell hot food or drinks to the public after 11pm need permission from the local authority.

But UK Fried Chicken, in Colne Road, Burnley, have fallen foul of the legislation and ended up with a £240 legal bill.

Takeaway boss Ifrar Haider admitted breaching licensing regulations and was fined £100 with £140 costs by Reedley magistrates.

Council licensing officer John Yardley said: “Takeaways can have quite an impact on the surrounding neighbourhood with late night noise from traffic and customers coming in and out of the premises.

“The Licensing Act gives the council powers to regulate takeaway busin-esses and allow them to operate within agreed hours while at the same time protecting the quality of life for people living nearby.

“Takeaway owners need to be aware that they must stick to their proper opening hours or face possible prosecution.

"Owners who are in need of advice and guidance, and who wish to apply for a late operators licence, can contact the authority’s licensing office in Nicholas Street, Burnley.