OVER £5,000 in cash and cocaine with a street value of £2,000 has been seized in a series of raids on suspected drugs dealers in Burnley.

Police have also seized two ounces of heroin, 18 bags of amphetamine pills, 23 cannabis plants and cannabis resin as part of Operation Fenominal, which launched earlier this month.

In the latest raids cannabis plants were found at a house in Padiham on Wednesday night. Other raids have taken place across Burnley, in Cog Lane, Leyland Road and Rosehill.

Sgt Phil Broughton said he hoped the operation would send a strong message to drug dealers across the area.

So far 14 people have been arrested for drug related offences, three of whom have been cautioned, with the remaining 11 on police bail pending further investigation.

He said: “We have listened to the community’s concerns about drugs, together with thefts and burglaries, and we are taking action.

“A total of 13 warrants have been executed over the past month and more will follow. If you are involved in criminal activity then it is only a matter of time before officers engaged on Operation Fenominal visit your address.

“Anyone suspected of criminal activity can expect to have their homes and their belongings thoroughly investigated as we intend to leave no stone unturned in our efforts to bring offenders to justice.”

He urged the public to support the police in their efforts and called on more people to come forward with information about suspected offenders.

He added: “Much of the activity we’ve carried out so far as part of Operation Fenominal could not have been done without the public’s support.

“We need people to share any information they have about offenders with us so that we can take action. I am calling on local communities to help us rid the streets of criminal activity.

“In the meantime I would advise local criminals to watch their backs. We’ve already paid 13 homes a visit, yours could be next.”

Anyone with information can call police on 0845 1 253545 or by calling Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.