A THIEF stole money that a vulnerable pensioner was due to donate to a church after being invited into his home.

“Good Samaritan” Ronald Carter, 85, offered to help Simone Swift, 30, when he spotted her in a “distressed state” near his home in Padiham.

Burnley magistrates heard that once inside Swift, of Lomeshaye Road, Nelson, stuffed £5 into her clothes which was a cash donation ready to be handed over to the pensioner’s local church.

Bench chairman Tony Winder said: “This elderly gentleman took you into his home. He was a Good Samaritan and for you to steal, even something of small value, is below the belt.

“It is not the amount of money, its the principle of what you did. You are right to be embarrassed about it.”

The cash was Mr Carter’s regular donation to Greenbrook Methodist Church.

Alex Mann, prosecuting, told the court in the early hours of July 31 Mr Carter saw the defendant outside his home in Padiham.

She was apparently distressed and he was concerned for her as she was unable to look after herself. He went out, brought her into his house and she went to sleep on the settee.

Mr Mann said he was so concerned about Swift’s welfare he had called the police and an ambulance - and had not noticed the defendant had taken the cash and stuffed it in her clothing until officers later found the cash.

The money was in an envelope addressed to the church.

The defendant had been arrested after she was abusive when the police turned up.

Richard Taylor, defending, said Swift was ashamed. She had had two drinks and thought one of them might have been spiked. She could remember nothing about the incident, but accepted it must have happened.

Swift was given a community order with six months supervision and was fined £60, with £55 costs. She was in breach of a conditional discharge for theft.