A PENSIONER got a “nice surprise” when she opened up her Lancashire Telegraph and saw a 90-year-old photograph of her war hero grandfather.

Margaret Riley, of Bank Hey Lane South, in Blackburn, said she was “amazed’” when she turned to page three of Tuesday’s Telegraph and saw a picture of her grandfather Henry Davidson, who was killed in World War One.

Sergeant Davidson’s story was included in an article about the launch of Lancashire’s Forgotten Heroes – a book which explores life for soldiers in the East Lancashire Regiment during the First World War.

After reading the extract from the book, Mrs Riley said it was “quite a surprise” to find out new information about her grandfather’s life in the Army.

And she vowed to buy the publication to learn more when it is released next month.

She said she recognised her grandfather after seeing the photograph once before when a roll of honour was published.

The extract from the book reveals the circumstances in which Sgt Davidson died in France, in 1916.

He was shot through the neck in an exposed South Fortin position.

Mrs Riley said: “There was more personal information in the article than I have found out when I have been doing the family tree.

"I didn’t know he was shot through the neck or that he was a territorial soldier and member of the National Reserve.

“All I knew was that my mother was 14 years old when he was killed.

“When the book comes out I think I will go for it. It’s amazing that it’s my grandad inside.”

Lancashire’s Forgotten Heroes is available from November 24, price £18.99.