THERE have been calls for a debate on whether Black-burn councillors should have a vote on forming a Darwen town council.

Last month’s referendum of townspeople, which came out in favour of forming a town council, still has to be ratified by Blackburn with Darwen Council at a meeting in December.

The outcome of the vote is still uncertain, with Lib Dems yet to confirm their support for the referendum result.

Conservative council leader Colin Rigby said his group would be allowed a “free vote”. And his fellow Tory, regeneration boss Alan Cottam, who represents Livesey with Pleasington, said he would consider abstaining after being asked by constituents not to take part.

He said: “It could just be left for Darwen councillors to vote. If not I will make my mind up after listening to the debate.”

But Sudell Lib Dem councillor Roy Davies said: “I am a Black-burn with Darwen councillor and vote on issues affecting the whole borough. This will affect the population count when we are trying to get money and grants for the whole borough.

“These councillors should have a look at their conscience before they vote. I will definitely vote ‘no’.”

Coun Julie Slater said: “Darwen coun-cillors know Darwen best and there have been decisions made by Blackburn councillors on Darwen issues in the past where they haven’t understood the feelings of the town.

“So maybe there is some sense in it just being a vote for Darwen councillors. If Blackburn coun=-cillors decide not to vote, then I wouldn’t blame them.

“But the referendum was paid for with money from Blackburn with Darwen taxpayers.”

Coun Andrew Graham said: “It’s a big issue for Darwen but we work together as a council and I think it’s up to the individual.”

Coun Paul Browne said: “In the interests of democracy it should be open to the full council.

“It should be debated by any one of the 64 councillors eligible to vote and it’s right and proper that that happens.”

Meanwhile, Coun Rigby said he would not impose a whip on his group.

He said: “A lot of these councillors have been there for a considerable time. I will let them make up their own minds. ”