ARTWORK by children from across Burnley has been shown to guests at a special exhibition.

The paintings were put on display at the Burnley and Pendle Faith Centre, at the Burnley Campus, Barden Lane.

They were created by the youngsters as part of a workshop run by The Prince’s School for Traditional Arts at the centre in June.

Fifteen Year Seven pupils from five secondary schools took part in the workshop.

They painted 24 canvas panels, which were decorated with a theme of the four seasons, before being taken to London where they were mounted to produce four folding screens.

The exhibition provided a chance for parents to view the work. They were also able to meet the director of the Prince’s School, his colleagues who ran the workshop, staff from the schools, the public and representatives from Lanc-ashire County Council.

Prince Charles saw the artwork in July and sent his congratulations to the students and staff.

The highlight of the evening was the unveiling of the screens within the Spiritual Space at the new centre, opened in September as part of the first phase of Lancashire County Council’s £250million Building Schools for the Future project.

The workshops are funded by both the county council and the Prince’s School’s sponsor, the Altajir Trust.