PENDLE MP Gordon Prentice is calling for higher pensions.

Last week Mr Prentice told members of the Pensioners Convention, at Westminster, that after a lifetime of work or caring responsibilities, they deserve a retirement free of worries about making ends meet.

Average net pensioner incomes have increased by 29 per cent, compared with earnings growth of 16 per cent.

Mr Prentice said the government had done a huge amount since 1997 but much more still needed to be done.

He added: “I have long argued for the restoration of the link between pensions and earnings which was broken years ago by Margaret Thatcher.

“The Government is committed to uprating the basic state pension by earnings in 2012.

“I’d like to see this happen before then.”

“A big change is happening this month. Claiming benefits is being made simpler, and about time too.

“Pensioners will be able to claim Pension Credit, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit entirely over the phone, in one call, without having to fill in or sign a claim form.”