The Purple Ribbon campaign began after Soroptmists (SI) from the Yorkshire Region visited Soroptimists in Europe.

Our Region have now joined with them to sell 'Purple Ribbons'. The aim is to end Trafficking or what amounts to Modern Day Slavery and all forms of violence against women.

We are concentrating on the area covered by the M65 motorway corridor. The money collected from the sale of the ribbons goes to providing packs of toiletries and new underwear for the victims of trafficking.

Clubs who are local to the area have joined together S.I. Accrington - S.I. Blackburn- S.I. Rossendale - S.I. Pendlesdie , and my own club S.I. Rishton and Great Harwood. It was decided that if clubs joined together we would have more impact. We will be holding a public meeting in March next year when the public can gain an insight into this problem in our area. The headquarters for the National Campaign is in Yorkshire .

Soroptimists have now become Partners with the UK Trafficking Centre.

Soroptimist International is a vibrant, dynamic organisation for today`s professional and business women. We are committed to a world where women and girls together achieve their individual and collective potential, realise aspirations and have an equal voice in creating strong, peaceful communities worldwide.

Our Mission is: Through international partnerships and a global network of members, Soroptimists inspire action and create opportunities to transform the lives of women and girls by: advocating for equity and equality; creating safe and healthy environments; increasing access to education; developing leadership and practical skills for a sustainable future.