YOUTHS who hurled pieces of wood at passing vehicles near a busy junction in Brierfield are being hunted by police.

Risking a serious accident, the teenagers were spotted throwing broken pallets at passing traffic on Halifax Road, on Friday night.

One missile hit the door of a silver Rover 25, which was queuing at the nearby Colne Road traffic lights.

The incident only caused relatively minor damage to the Rover, totalling around £100, according to police.

But officers are concerned at the possible consequences of the youngsters’ actions and have appealed for witnesses to come forward.

Sergeant Mark Baines, of Nelson police, said: “Other motorists or passers-by may have seen something similar occurring around this time.

“There is a lot of this kind of wood, from old pallets, knocking around on the streets in the run up to Bonfire Night.

“We are checking CCTV footage from the area and will be making house to house inquiries in the immediate area.”

Police said the two suspects were both Asian, with one wearing a white hooded top, stocky, possibly in his late teens, and his accomplice was wearing dark clothing and was of a similar age.

People with any information about the attack are asked to call Nelson police on 01282 472604 and ask for Sgt Baines.

Police in Burnley have issued similar appeals for the public’s help following two recent stone-throwing incidents on the M65 near junction 10 at Gannow.

In one incident a haulier was forced to pull over after a missile struck his lorry’s front window.