A HOSPITAL security guard was stabbed with a dirty needle after coming to the aid of nurses, police said.

The guard will now have to go through several tests to determine if he has contracted anything from the needle, which had been taken out of a box containing used and discarded equipment.

Police were called to the Royal Blackburn Hospital following reports of a disturbance.

Officers said a patient, who had been brought in to the emergency department from Burnley, tried to leave the building and was stopped by a nurse. A struggle is said to have followed and the male security guard stepped in to help.

Police said the security guard was then stabbed in the finger using a needle removed from a sharps bin.

The needle pierced the black leather gloves the security guard was wearing.

A spokeswoman from the hospital's PFI partner Consort, which provides the security staff, said: “We take these matters very seriously and we have a full set of procedures in place to ensure the safety of our personnel and to deal with matters of this type. the health and safety of our workforce is always a prime concern."

Shahida Amin, 24, Richard Street, Brierfield, was charged in connection with the incident at 7.30pm on Saturday.

Yesterday she appeared before Blackburn magistrates charged with wounding causing grievous bodily harm.

Magistrates directed she should stand trial at crown court.

She was remanded in custody ahead of preparation of committal papers.