THIEVES ripped the wedding ring from the hand of a 76-year-old man in a street robbery.

The man was approached on Friday just before noon on Abbey Street in Accrington by two men who appeared to be in their 40s.

Noticing two rings the pensioner wore on his hand, they asked if they could have them, leaving the pensioner intimidated.

After the elderly man tried but failed to take off the two rings, which included his wedding band, the two men snatched the rings off his hands.

Police said the men then gave him cheap costume jewellery, described as essentially worthless, as an ‘exchange’ before walking off.

The wedding ring, worth £150, is described as a nine-carat gypsy wedding ring with a red garnet stone.

The gypsy wedding ring, a style which is also known as a russian wedding ring, is made of three entwined bands of gold.

A broad, nine-carat gold ring was also taken from the victim, which had a square face featuring white cubic zirconia stones.

His attackers were described as Asian and in their mid-40s.

The first man is said to be stocky, unshaven, and was wearing a dark jacket and dark bottoms.

The second man was also unshaven and was wearing a light jacket.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Accrington police on 51212 or Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555111.