ONE hundred new Government jobs promised for Pendle have been axed – just five weeks after they were heralded by regeneration chiefs.

In what has been described as a “body blow” for workers, Liberata has confirmed that the posts, administering educational maintenance allowances, EMAs, have been axed.

The call centre positions, based in Market Street, Nelson, have been axed amid the ongoing chaos surr-ounding the educational allowances system.

Last week it was revealed that thousands of students were at risk of dropping out of further education bec-ause 90,000 were still waiting for their allowances to be processed.

The Nelson centre was part of Liberata’s catch-up plans, to overcome the delays, which has left councillors in Pendle questioning what has led to the job losses.

Borough council chief executive Stephen Barnes, back in September, said the Liberata deal was “fantastic example of Pendle Council bringing more jobs to Pendle”.

And Liberata performs a host of ‘back office’ functions for Pendle Council, although this would not have incorporated the educational allowances system deal.

Coun Mohammed Iqbal, Labour group leader, said: “Clearly the loss of 100 jobs is a body blow for Pendle, as when these people were taken on it was said that the majority were long-term unemployed.”

But Coun Iqbal has questioned why Liberata, as a working partner of the council, had not given more notice of the job losses.

Coun David Whipp, Liberal Democrat, added: “I think it is quite disgraceful though that people have been turned out of jobs in the way that they have.

“The sad and sorry saga of EMAs, and the way they have been handled, brings no credit to Liberata.”

Council leader Coun John David, who said he was told of the announcement at 2pm on Thursday, said he would be asking Liberata for a greater level of “courtesy” in their dealings in future.