FIVE men have been charged with robbing a Blackburn jeweller who was attacked with hammers and knives.

Asad Mohammed, 25, Shah Hussein, 28, Mohammed Nasir Khan, 18, and a 17-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons, have all been chargedwith robbery. A fifth man, Adnan Ahmed, 20, has been charged with robbery and dangerous driving. All are from the Birmingham area.

The robbery took place at around 1.45pm on Thursday at Rahman Jewellers, Whalley Range. The offenders entered the shop and attacked the owner with a hammer and knives before escaping with a quantity of jewellery.

DS Mark Winstanley from Blackburn CID said: “We have had a good response so far from members of the public but despite these charges investigations are continuing and we still need witnesses to come forward and provide us with vital information to piece together exactly what happened.”

Anyone with any information should call Blackburn Police on 08451 25 35 45 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”