RESIDENTS in Accrington, particularly elderly people, are being urged to be on the look out for pickpockets.

It comes after seven purse snatches have been reported to the police since September.

And as a result Accrington town centre neighbourhood police are handing out more anti-theft purse alarms to the elderly.

Officers said they wanted people to ensure their purse was secured if in a bag and out of sight of would be thieves.

Community support officer Paul Corris said: “We do see a number of elderly people who have their shopping bags open and purse’s on display. These people are aware of the vulnerability of the elderly and the fact they are distracted while shopping.”

Sgt Ian Corbett said: “The offenders are professional and are very quick and are usually well away before the victim realises what happens. A worrying trend is some elderly victims have left pin numbers in their purses resulting in hundreds of pounds being withdrawn.

“I ask relatives of elderly vulnerable people to check this is not taking place.

"We will distribute free purse alarms to the elderly in the run up to Christmas.”