RESIDENTS have been encouraged to put themselves forward for places on Darwen town council.

The town council looks like it could be a formality after last week’s ‘yes’ vote in a referendum, despite a low turnout.

The leader of the For Darwen party, Tony Melia, who led a camp-aign for the town council, said he expec-ted a mixture of borough coun-cillors and mem-bers of the public to put themselves forward.

He said: “I think it would be good to have some councillors on there, so there is some experience.

“I have already been approached by a number of people, ordinary residents not councillors, who are interested in taking part.

“I hope a lot of people put themselves forward.”

Plans for the town council will be drawn up if it is given the green light by borough councillors in December.

Most political parties have suggested they will follow the results of the vote, although the Lib Dems have questioned whether it is enough of a mandate with the turnout just over 20 per cent.

Elections for the 13 council positions are expected to take place in May.

A mayor, and possibly a town crier, will also be appointed.