A MAN threatened a takeaway assistant with a knife and demanded money.

The woman was reduced to tears, begging Andrew Monahan not to hurt her, and later told police all she could think of was her 20-month-old son.

But Blackburn magistrates heard that homeless Andrew Monahan wanted to go to prison and told staff if they didn’t call the police he would use the knife.

When police arrived at the New Dragon Chinese Take-away, Accrington Road, Blackburn, Monahan put the knife down and walked out with his hands up.

“His intention when he entered the shop was not to purchase a takeaway but simply to get taken away,” said Andrew Church-Taylor, defending.

“He brandished the knife and demanded money and then insisted the assistant phoned the police. He didn’t want any money, he didn’t want anything to eat he simply wanted to go to prison.”

Monahan, 43, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to affray and possessing a bladed article in a public place.

He was committed in custody to Preston Crown Court after magistrates decided their powers of pun-ishment were insufficient.

Catherine Allan, prosec- uting, said the assistant had been alone in the front of the shop. She was totally shocked and couldn’t believe what was happening to her,” said Miss Allan.

“She pleaded with him not to hurt her and he said he didn’t care “just ring the police.”