A DRIVER alleged to have waged a hate campaign against a traffic warden could be facing jail after threatening to break one attendant’s legs.

Glen Chadwick, 50, was yesterday found guilty of putting Parkwise employee Mark Shearman in fear of violence after a trial at Burnley Crown Court.

The defendant, of Cog Lane, Burnley, was cleared of having an offensive weapon, assaulting warden Martin Thomas by beating and intimidation.

He had denied all the charges against him.

Chadwick was bailed until November 20 for a pre-sentence report and Judge Heather Lloyd told him all options would be open.

Chadwick had been accused of starting his alleged campaign over a disputed parking ticket which was later cancelled.

The jury was told he was said to have threatened to kill Mr Shearman and to break his legs. He also told him that he knew where he lived and that he had a partner and child.

Chadwick was alleged to have hauled Mr Thomas over the bonnet of his Saab car on Padiham Road and to have punched him repeatedly around the head.

Giving evidence the defendant told the jury he had pulled his car over when he saw Mr Thomas and Mr Shearman to remonstrate with them.

He denied punching Mr Thomas and also prosecution allegations that he threatened the traffic wardens with a hammer.

The jury had heard claims Chadwick had threatened Mr Thomas after he picked him as being his alleged attacker on a video identification parade. Chadwick told the court the attendant had been aggressive towards him.

Interviewed by police, Chadwick described traffic wardens as ‘verminous creatures who deserved to live in sewers’.