COMPLAINTS from vulnerable people about trick or treaters have led to the release of ‘stay away’ Hallowe’en posters.

The posters, which tell trick or treaters to go elsewhere, are available free of charge to those who don’t want to be visited on October 31.

The campaign has been launched across Hyndburn by the area’s Community Safety Partnership, in response to regular annual rises in criminal damage and anti-social behaviour complaints to the police.

Now residents can display posters which show a crossed-out witch on a broom stick underneath the words 'No Trick or Treats'.

Sgt Simon Holderness said: “It’s just a nice way of asking people to respect privacy and an additional thing to our annual increase in patrols.”

Coun Brian Roberts, chairman of Hyndburn Community Safety Partnership, said: “Trick or treating and inappropriate use of fireworks during the bonfire period has been a cause for concern and can the elderly and vulnerable intimidated and frightened.

“We are not out to stop people having a good time. It’s just a minority who behave irresponsibly and spoil things.

“We urge young people to wear something bright or reflective when ‘trick or treating and on bonfire night, to make them more visible to drivers.”

Posters are available across Hyndburn at surgeries, schools, police stations, council reception areas, libraries, Age Concern and Hyndburn Homewise.