A DRIVER accused of waging a hate campaign against traffic wardens over a disputed parking ticket eventually saw his penalty cancelled, a court heard.

Glen Chadwick is accused of threatening to kill Parkwise attendant Mark Shearman and “break his legs”, Burnley Crown Court heard.

And he is alleged to have hauled traffic warden Martin Thomas over the bonnet of his Saab car, on Padiham Road, in a separate incident where he punched him four or five times around the head.

A jury heard Chadwick, 50, of Cog Lane, Burnley, was incensed after being issued with a parking ticket at a car park in Cow Lane, last December.

But the court was told yesterday that the disputed ticket, was cancelled by a parking adjudicator after an appeal hearing at The Oaks Hotel in Reedley.

Mr Shearman said he placed the ticket under Chadwick's windscreen wiper, when he had instead given it to him in his hand, the court heard. Either method of service was acceptable but Chadwick’s appeal, based on the evidence provided, was allowed.

Jurors were told Chadwick was en-route to the appeal hearing when the alleged attack on Mr Thomas took place, last April.

Giving evidence, Chadwick admitted he had pulled his Saab car over, when he saw Mr Thomas and Shearman, to remonstrate with them.

He also accepted he said to Mr Shearman that he would “make sure he lost his job” if his appeal was unsuccessful.

Chadwick claimed Mr Thomas said: “Are you going to let him speak to us like that. There are two of us, we can take him.”

The court heard Chadwick denied punching Mr Thomas and he also denied prosecution claims that he threatened the traffic wardens with a hammer.

Later Chadwick is accused of threatening Mr Thomas, after he picked him out as being his attacker at a video identification parade. But the defendant said the attendant had been aggressive towards him, after the pair clashed, again on Cow Lane.

He also denies further accusations of threatening to kill Mr Shearman in January.

Chadwick denies putting Mr Shearman in fear of violence by harassment, assaulting Mr Thomas, possession of an offensive weapon and intimidating a witness.

The jury was sent out to consider the verdicts yesterday afternoon.
