A CUSTOMER at a Rossendale nightspot was hit over the head with a bottle after a minor confrontation with another customer, a court heard.

Lewis Haigh was drinking with friends in Bacchus wine bar, in Market Street, Bacup, last February, when he bumped into another young man, Burnley Crown Court was told.

He thought nothing of it at the time but later, without warning, he was felled by a blow from behind, alleged to have been struck by Zak Cullen, 24, of Sandhurst Street, Bacup.

Prosecutor David Macro told a jury that the earlier accidential collision had occurred at around 11pm that night.

Mr Macro said: “Mr Haigh did not know who was to blame but he apologised anyway. But it is alleged that the other person did not seem happy with that.

“That may not have had anything to do with with the incident we are concerned with, but is part of the history of events that night.

“Later Lewis Haigh was sitting at the bar and felt a blow to the top of his head and then saw his friends pushing a male away from him.”

Mr Macro said that Cullen was not arrested, regarding the alleged attack until April, and he denied being responsible for the violence.

The court heard that Mr Haigh, who says he never saw his attacker, failed to pick out Cullen at a video identity parade.

The court heard that it may be accepted that Cullen admits to being present in the bar, on the night in question, but denies being the attacker.

Cullen has pleaded not guilty to unlawful wounding Mr Haigh on February 9. The trial continues.