PRINCE Charles and his charities are making good on a promise to take a key role in the future regeneration of Burnley.

The Lancashire Telegraph revealed earlier this year how organisations like the Prince’s Trust are aiming to reach double the number of young people in Burnley and surrounding areas over the next 12 months.

This follows on from a pledge by the Prince of Wales, when he toured the Weavers’ Triangle area in February, to take a keen interest in Burn-ley’s revival.

Now the launch of several new courses, across a range of discip-lines, has been annou-nced to underline the royal commitment.

Jackie Tyler, North West Director of The Prince’s Trust said: “These courses are all about preparing young people to move on into further training or work.

“To ensure that they get help with their plans, we also offer all young people the support of a mentor.

“Not only will the prog-rammes prepare young people for the challenges they will face in the world of work but they will also promote comm-unity cohesion.”

For football fans there’s a six-week session at Turf Moor to give youngsters an insight into all the dimensions of playing, refereeing and coaching. This will take place from October 21 to November 25.

Then street dancing will be spotlighted, with a six-week course, also staged at Burnley FC in their sports centre, teaching basic steps with the help of qualified instructors, from October 23 to November 27 Next up, boxing coach Brian Roche will intro-duce recruits to the disciplines of the squared circle at his Newtown Mill gym.

Arranged from October 27 to 31, the workshops will focus on encourag-ing young people to improve their fitness, adopt a healthy lifestyle and develop a positive attitude and respect for others.

An eight-work course, entitled Youth on Unity, will be hosted by Burnley Cyber Centre, from early November.

This will focus on topics such as bullying and knife crime and will see participants producing a DVD about their exper-iences.

Young people interested in any of the new prog-rammes should contact Michelle or AJ at The Prince’s Trust in Burnley on 01282 714 160.