A TEENAGE girl was dragged into a side road and brutally sexually assaulted in a late night attack.

Police said the 13-year-old was attacked while she was walking home after a trip to a shop.

She was dragged from the street and subjected to a “serious sexual assault” near roadworks, officers said.

The attack was disturbed by a passing motorist and the girl was able to flee.

Detectives described the incident, in Brierfield as ‘a nasty attack on a defenceless young girl’.

A manhunt to find the attacker, who spoke with an Eastern European accent, is now under way.

The youngster, who police said has been left ‘traumatised’ by the incident, is now recovering from her ordeal.

Det Insp Derek Jones, of Nelson CID, said: “This was a particularly nasty attack on a defenceless young girl.

“Although she has obviously suffered an incredibly traumatic ordeal and is very upset about what has happened, she has been able to give us a detailed account of what went on and has not suffered any serious injuries.

“We are very keen to trace the offender and in particular we would like to draw people’s attention to the distinctive jacket he was wearing.

“He smelt of alcohol at the time of the attack, so we are appealing to anyone who may have been drinking with him in a pub earlier in the evening.”

Police said the victim had been to the Spend N Save shop in Higher Reedley Road, Brierfield, where she sat outside and chatted to another girl before heading towards Reedley Road.

She was then approached by the man who dragged her between five and 10 metres into Pennine Way where he carried out the assault, close to a set of roadworks at the junction of Reedley Road.

Mr Jones said she managed to escape when he was disturbed by a silver hatchback car passing, in Reedley Road in the direction of Brierfield.

Police have released a description of the alleged attacker and are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to come forward.

He is described as a white male, win his 30s, with short dark hair, a round face and dressed in a distinctive dark denim blue jacket with sheepskin lapels and a red crew-neck t-shirt.

The offender is also said to have smelt of alcohol at the time of the attack and spoke with an Eastern European accent.

Coun Michael Blomeley, described the attack as ‘absolutely appalling.’ He said: “In all the years I have lived in the area I have never heard about anything quite as bad as this - I’m quite dismayed by it..”

Anyone with information about the attack, at around 10.30pm on Saturday night, should contact Nelson CID on 01282 472618 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.