ADDITIONAL police officers have been trained to tackle speeding motorists in the Ribble Valley.

The officers have received specialist speed enforcement training following concerns from residents about motorists driving at excessive speeds.

Residents raised these concerns at a number of police and community together, or PACT, meetings held across the Ribble Valley over the last few months.

As a result police community support officers, or PCSOs will now be able to monitor the speed of motorists in more areas than ever before.

And it is hoped this will help police to target persistent offenders and put a stop to people who continue to drive dangerously.

Sergeant Nick Collier said: “Speeding has been a long standing issue raised at local PACT meetings and this additional training will certainly widen the scope for the way in which the equipment is used.

“Driving above the speed limit is dangerous and can have potentially tragic consequences not only for other road users, but for the driver and passengers. I urge people to think twice before putting their foot down. The speed limit is there for a reason.”

Anyone with information or concerns about speeding motorists can contact police on 0125 451212 or attend their next PACT meeting details of which an be found using the postcode search facility at