A PROPOSAL to build 60 houses in a rural village would lead to “pandemonium” on surrounding roads, according to angry residents.

The outcry has been sparked by a planning application submitted to Ribble Valley Council by house builder George Wimpey for the construction of 60 houses and apartments at Calderstones Park, Whalley.

Furious residents said the proposed development would place extra strain on Whalley’s roads and schools, as well as devastating a well used play area.

Simon Ditchfield, 42, of Pendle Drive, Whalley, lives close to the proposed site and he believes the plan could have dire consequences.

He said: “Myself and other residents are very concerned.

"Our landscape will be ruined and there has been a playing field and football pitch on the site for a long time.

“George Wimpey has stated that there will be an average of 1.4 cars for every house that it built.

"That is not a realistic figure and extra cars will cause pandemonium on already busy roads.

“The local school is already at bursting point so extra children means it would not be able to cope.”

Calderstones Park was built during the early part of this decade on land where a section of Calderstones Hospital once stood.

The proposed site for the new houses was originally earmarked for a new school to serve the families who moved into houses on the estate.

In the end, however, the school was never built and it has been a grassed-over area ever since.

Mr Ditchfield said he would be speaking to more residents in the coming weeks to gauge their reaction to the proposals before deciding on what action can be taken.

A consultation process regarding the plans started this week and residents have until November 11 to comment on the scheme.

In a planning statement Goerge Wimpey said: “The purpose of the application is to provide an attractive new residential development to enhance the local area.”