A GOALIE who had undergone trials for the Clarets has been jailed after going on a drunken spree of vandalism.

Steven Graham Baines, 22, fled from police after carrying out a flying kick at a car and smashing a light fitting.

Burnley Magistrates’ Court heard how the ‘talented sportsman’, who also had trials at Bury FC, had been dogged by tragedy, including the recent death of his nine-year-old brother.

Baines, of Midgley Street, Colne, had been given a 120-day prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, for racially- aggravated assault in June.

But he breached the terms of the suspended sentence when he went on to damage the car in Stanley Street, Colne, and the light fitting in flats at Norway House.

Stephen Parker, prose-cuting, said Baines, who has 25 previous convic-tions, told police he had been drinking on the night in question.

David Lawson, defen-ding, said Baines recog-nised he was in difficulty.

It was quite clear he got in trouble because of a drink-related problem.

In the last 12 months, his parents had split up, his grandmother died, and his partner miscarried.

His nine-year-old brother was tragically killed on September 20.

As a result, Baines was suffering from a depress-ive illness and had a drink problem. Mr Lawson described the defendant as a “talented young sportsman” and said in the last year, despite his troubles, he had had trials for Burnley and Bury FCs.

The solicitor went on: “He has got everything going for him if he stops drinking."

Baines was jailed for 128 days after admitting failing to comply with a suspended sentence order and a community order, failing to surrender and two counts of damage.