ADVICE is being issued to trick or treaters in a bid to ensure a safe and trouble-free Hallowe’en.

Police are urging parents not to let children go out trick or treating on their own and to always ensure they have a responsible adult with them.

Children are being advised to only visit the homes of family and friends, take a torch, and be cautious when crossing the road, if dressed in a dark costumes.

And they are being warned to never go into a house unless they know the homeowner and are sure of their intentions.

Insp Ian Cooper said anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated.

He said: “Whilst we wouldn’t necessarily condone trick or treating, it is a time honoured tradition so if youngsters want to do it, we would like them to do so in safety.”

Anyone who would prefer not to receive a visit from trick or treaters can download a poster from the Lancashire Police website politely asking them not to knock.