A STREET robber for whom carrying a knife ‘had become a habit’ has been jailed indefinitely.

George Hunter held a weapon close to the stomach of his 16-year-old victim at Blackburn in order to steal £40 cash from him.

He had previous convictions that included a serious assault and also a robbery in December 2003 on a 70-year old-man for which he was jailed for three years.

Hunter, 30, of Derby Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to the robbery and was told he will have to serve a minimum of two years and one month in jail before he can be considered for parole.

However the judge warned him that he will only be released when it is considered safe to do so.

Recorder Dennis Watson, told him: "My clear impression is that you selected him as a likely victim. It doesn't take much to imagine how terrified he was.

"With commendable maturity he tried to calm you down.

“Your criminal record is a dreadful one. Carrying a knife has become habitual for you.”

The teenager was robbed in July this year, having gone into Blackburn town centre to meet his girlfriend.

Kirsten McAteer, prosecuting, said the youth went to the White Bull pub and got into a conversation with Hunter outside. The defendant asked him for 70p - his bus fare home and the lad handed him the change.

The two chatted for several minutes before Hunter put a hand on the back of his shoulder and held the blade of a knife around one centimetre from his stomach.

The victim ended up very shaken and shocked. Hunter told him "Just give me the cash". The boy handed over £40 cash.

Hunter later handed himself into police.

Jonathan Clarke, defending, said: “This was the act of a desperate man. Of course, it isn't an appropriate way of dealing with the problems he saw himself having.

"There was no intention to cause injury. The offence was short and brief, though extremely scary and unpleasant".