The Painting and Decorating Association (PDA) has come up with guidance to ensure Lancashire homeowners do not fall foul of cowboy operators.

David Powis, chief executive of the PDA, said: “Painters and decorators come into people’s homes and householders want to know that person or company is to be trusted.

“Particularly in these more difficult economic times, it is all too easy to be taken for a ride by a cowboy operator.

"As a result we would advise householders in Preston to ensure they are dealing with a professional tradesperson or company before allowing them access to your home.”

The PDA produces a leaflet, entitled “In the hands of the professionals,” which sets out helpful guidance for householders seeking a professional painter and decorator.

Tips include getting a written agreement in advance detailing the jobs that need doing and how much they will cost.

If amendments are needed during the work they should be agreed and written down where necessary.

Mr Powis added: “Firms in membership of the PDA subscribe to a Code of Practice.

“This requires them to maintain adequate insurance cover, guarantee the quality of their materials and to carry out the work using competent tradesmen or properly supervised apprentices.

"Fair quotes should also be provided to all parties.”

Members of the public can call the PDA on 024 7635 3776 to check that a painter is a bona fide member of the association.