RESIDENTS in Great Harwood are to be quizzed on whether they want their own town council.

Questionnaires will be sent out next week which explain the proposals.

Hyndburn Council announced earlier this year that a pilot scheme for a town council in Great Harwood would be tried.

If successful similar schemes could be rolled out to other areas.

Coun Peter Clarke said: “Over the weekend of October 24 a consultation questionnaire will be sent to every voter in Great Harwood, explaining what is proposed and asking for people’s opinions.

“It’s important that everyone has their say for the future of the town.”

Ballot boxes for the return of the questionnaire will be at various locations in Great Harwood including the library, the Rainbow Gallery, Whiteheads store and The Original Factory Shop.

The town council idea has been on the agenda for months.

In June 1,200 people called for the town councils to be introduced in a borough-wide survey.

But the overall response was low — just 2.1 per cent of the population.

However Great Harwood was targeted for the first town council as its response rate was higher.