PINK is the new black according to Julie Jackson, who is persuading businesses in Darwen to dress in pink for Hallowe’en.

Julie, 40, was diagnosed with breast cancer in March and is raising money for the Breast Cancer Campaign.

The mum and grandma says she has received support from ‘the whole town’.

And Darwen Market has donated a ‘pink stall’ in the run-up to the event, which Julie says will be used to display prizes and sell raffle tickets.

She said: “The market stall opens for a week from October 27 to give people a chance to buy tickets and make donations.”

When Darwen ‘goes pink’ more than 40 shops and market stalls will dress up and Julie says she hopes to ‘bring the town together’.

“It will be the most colourful Hallowe’en Darwen has ever seen!”

Anyone wishing to contribute to prizes or make a donation can call Julie on 07964867063.