AN ANIMAL sanctuary boss has criticised the sentence given to a pensioner who mowed down one of his workers.

Juliette Hartley, 61, was banned from driving, fined and a given a conditional discharge for driving her car at a 17-year-old girl following a row over a puppy.

Manager of Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary, Neil Martin expected Hartley, of Tockholes Road, Darwen, to be given community service - and said she should have repaid her debt working at the animal sanctuary itself.

After the case, Mr Martin said: “It could have been a lot worse and I’m surprised she has been given a slap on the wrist.”

Hartley drove her car at the worker as she tried to leave with the cross German Shepherd called Cruiser.

The dog was brought into reception while Hartley was visiting in October 2007.

Stuart Martin, defending, said the puppy was given to Hartley in reception by the member of the public who brought Cruiser in.

He said Hartley’s dog had died the previous week and that she had been at the sanctuary seeking a replacement.

Mr Martin said: “There was no snatching of the animal, however she accepts that her reaction was wrong.”

Alison Hayworth, prosecuting, said Hartley had taken the dog without anyone’s permission, forcing staff to intervene in case the pet was lost.

Judge Leslie Hull watched CCTV footage of Hartley driving directly at Charlotte Southwell, who became mounted on the bonnet of Hartley’s Alfa Romeo, which he said seemed to be travelling “at some speed”.

The court heard the incident left Charlotte, 17, with pulled muscles in her right shoulder and a collarbone injury.

Judge Hull said: “It’s clear that your 61 years of previous good character and regular bible classes did not prevent you from reacting in this way in the heat of the moment.”

Hartley had earlier pleaded guilty at Bolton Crown Court to dangerous driving, but denied assault.

She was given a 12-month conditional discharge, fined £300, ordered to pay £100 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.

She was also given an 12-month driving ban.

The assault charge was not pursued by the prosecution.