DIANA Vickers has been described as the one to beat in the X Factor – but one Blackburn teenager already holds a victory over her.

Two years ago Amy Toole beat Diana in the final of an X Factor-style singing contest in Blackburn shopping centre.

But now, while 17-year-old Diana, who lives in Accrington and attends Blackburn’s Westholme School, performs in front of more than 10 million people, Amy is a university student.

Amy, 19, said she had considered auditioning for the ITV show, but decided to concentrate on her studies.

And she backed Diana to win the ITV show.

Amy, of Pleasington, who is now studying performing arts at Leeds University, was two years above Diana at Westholme School, and the pair’s boyfriends are close friends.

She said: “I had forgotten that it was Diana who came runner-up in the Mall competition, until she started to do so well on The X Factor.

“Diana is a fantastic singer and a great performer.

"She’s doing really well and I think she’s got a very good chance of winning outright.

“I was out when she did her first live performance last week, but I’ll definitely be voting for her as the competition continues.”

Amy has staged talent shows at the Thwaites Empire Theatre in Blackburn.

And she has called upon Diana three times for these events.

Amy is set to organise her fourth annual Thwaites show when she returns to Blackburn next summer.

But she has already accepted that Blackburn’s biggest new star will probably have other commitments by then.

Amy said: “It will be a real shame to lose Diana from the shows at Thwaites, but if she wins it will bring a big boost to all the amazing talent we have in Blackburn.

“When Diana and I were at Westholme, there were loads of great singers and performers, and we all still see one another. We’re all friends.”

Diana is in the final 11 of X Factor and will perform a Michael Jackson song tonight in a bid to win the public vote and remain on the show.