HEALTH chiefs have hit back after a solicitor claimed that drug addicts were facing long waiting lists in Burnley.

Defence lawyer John Greenwood claimed serial users could not get treatment quickly enough, in mitigation for a long-time criminal appearing for sentence at Burnley Magistrates Court.

But NHS bosses in East Lancashire insist provisions for addicts were more than adequate and waiting lists were well-managed.

Mr Greenwood was speaking out as he defended hardened offender Roy Taylor, who has around 130 convictions - 64 of them for dishonesty to fund his drug use.

Taylor’s latest crimes saw him steal jars of coffee and handle a stolen toiletries, in order to pay off a drugs debt.

Forty-four year old Taylor, of Laithe Street, Burnley, admitted theft and handling stolen goods and was conditionally discharged for 12 months.

Mr Greenwood said Taylor had paid £4 for the stolen items found on him, hoping to get more when he sold them. He had a drugs debt of £300 but only had £10 left to pay off.

Drugs were a massive problem in Burnley, said Mr Greenwood, who added: “It’s very difficult for Roy Taylor to get help.

“The community drugs team has a long waiting list and however hard somebody like Roy Taylor tries to get help, they are always on the waiting list.”

But he added that Taylor, who had been on a waiting list for some time, had an appointment with the community drugs team in two days time.

Last night an NHS East Lancashire spokesman denied there were long waiting lists for drug misuse services.

He added: “The providers in Burnley all meet the national targets and in fact the provision is better than that offered in many other parts of the country.

“There is an open access clinic on Wednesday afternoons between 4pm and 6pm for anyone who wants help with their drug problems.

“Following that attendance, the service user will be allocated a case worker within two weeks and sometimes within a week.

Anyone referred to the drug service directly from the courts will be seen within the week.”