DISTRICT councils in Lancashire will to told to bear the brunt of the Parkwise scheme if it makes a loss in the future.

County Hall bosses have insisted the 12 districts will have to cover any shortfall if the controversial parking enforcement contract is renewed after September 2009.

But not a single district has signed up to the new agreement so far and a county council boss said it was “last orders in the last chance saloon” for the proposals.

The partnership had been facing heavy losses, because of the admin costs of issuing tickets - but an inquiry found it would break even if accounting errors were corrected and income from Preston and Lancaster’s on-street parking meters was also included.

The revelation averted possible legal action between county and district bosses to decide who would cover the deficit.

This had been a “grey area” when the first agreement was signed in 2004, admitted county councillor Matthew Tomlinson, cabinet member for sustainable development.

Negotiations are now underway on whether to continue the controversial agreement - and despite several missed deadlines, no councils have signed up so far.

It is understood Pendle, Burnley, Ribble Valley and South Ribble are the main objectors with the other councils ready to commit.

The sticking point is the cost of issuing each ticket - strict targets have been set for each district, but parking enforcement is more costly in rural areas where there is less turnover of cars.

The objectors have now been given until the end of the month, said Coun Tomlinson.

If no agreement can be reached, enforcement will be split, with county council wardens patrolling the highways and districts taking care of their off-street car parks.