TWO Darwen women have been recognised for helping people who want to lose weight.

Karen Taylor and Lesley Cordell received Diamond Leader awards from Weight Watchers’ senior UK vice-president, Mads Ryder, at the company’s regional conference in Newcastle.

The award is the highest accolade leaders can receive.

The company said it reflected the hard work leaders put into their meetings to encourage members to come back week after week to lose weight.

Comments from the members are collated and contribute to the overall winners.

Karen and Lesley said they were delighted to be named as ‘Diamonds’ and act as role models.

Lesley said: “We love meeting our members every week. There a great community feel to our meetings.

“It’s wonderful to see members walk out of the door with a real spring to their step.”

Area manager Jan Matthews said: “Karen and Lesley have over 18 years’ experience between them and were members before they were leaders, which means they know exactly how people in their meetings are feeling.”