A BURNLEY church is bidding to raise £100,000 to drag its community centre “into the 21st century”.

Parishioners and friends of St Catherine’s C of E Church, in Todmorden Road, need the cash to carry out a raft of renovations on the adjacent hall.

It is used by worshippers and local residents for a range of youth clubs and adult classes.

But years of community events have left the centre, which was built more than 40 years ago, needing a refurbishment including a new roof, kitchen and toilets, and an extension.

Father Roger Parker from the church said: “The centre is a dilapidated 1966 building used for youth and adult groups, which is in dire need of renovation.

“We are hoping to raise £100,000 to make it fit for purpose in the 21st century.

“There’s real ownership of the centre locally because so many people use it and there’s so much good work done here.”

Church leaders failed in a bid for lottery money earlier this year as they attempt to collect the cash needed.

However, another lottery application is promised soon and parishioners have also been buying £5 entries called ‘blocks of hope’ which will be published in a special book.

Fr Parker added: “The blocks of hope contain messages and they all go into a special book which will be kept in the church.

“People are using them to leave messages for loved ones who have died as well as for people’s birthdays and graduations.

“It shows how much people want the church and the centre to flourish. They are vital to the area and very much part of Burnley.”

For more information about backing the campaign, visit the church or call 01282 424587.