DISTRICT councils across Lancashire could be told to give up some of their powers if the Conservatives take over at County Hall.

Tory leader Geoff Driver said he would expect the 12 district councils that take part to delegate some power to the Lancashire Local Committees.

The committees are a partnership between county and district councils, and contain members from both authorities.

A consultation is underway to make them more effective, which could see them handed more cash to distribute.

Coun Driver said: “The district councils want the county council to delegate powers, but if they are not prepared to delegate powers themselves you have to question what their motives are.”

Leisure and culture powers could be handed to the committees, Coun Driver said, but confirmed he would not cut their funding.

And he added: “I would persist with Lancashire Locals on the principle, but I would expect them to behave responsibly with regards to spending their money.”

The Conservatives would take power if they won seven seats from Labour at May’s local elections, when all 84 councillors will face the vote.