TWO drunken yobs who smashed a man’s face in an unprovoked street attack have been jailed.

Brett Doogan, 22, and James Brown, 26, set about Jeremy Smith in the early hours in Burnley last November, landing blow after blow and striking him whilst he was on the ground, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Mr Smith, 24, who was supposed to be Doogan's friend, suffered a bi-lateral fracture of the jaw which required surgery, had to have teeth removed and was left in chronic pain.

Doogan went on to claim self defence and that his drink had been spiked, whilst Brown, who later went burgling and stealing cars whilst on bail, made no comment to police.

Doogan, of Shakespeare Street, and Brown, of Warwick Drive, both Padiham, admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm. Brown also pleaded guilty to three allegations of burglary and taking a vehicle without authority. Brown was jailed for four years and Doogan received 16 months.

Sarah Statham, prosecuting, told the court Mr Smith had been in Calamity Jane's bar and had been talking to Doogan, who he knew and had been friends with for some time.

Just after midnight, the victim recalled leaving the bar, he argued with Doogan on the street and words were exchanged between them. Mr Smith felt the need to run away. He was chased and the next thing he could remember was waking up in an ambulance on the way to hospital.

Miss Statham said Mr Smith was left prone in the ground, potentially unconscious. Police arrived after being alerted by CCTV operators.

Mr Smith had swelling to both sides of his face. He underwent open reduction and fixation to the right side of his jaw and bones screws were used to treat the other side of his face. He could not eat solids.

The prosecutor said both defendants were drunk and had damaged hands when they were arrested. Doogan claimed he simply acted in self defence after the victim had a "do," at him.

Brown made no comment. The defendant, who had a lengthy record, was bailed and raided three properties, taking car keys and then stealing the cars parked outside.